The Nectar Cloud has packaged LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) into the Application Catalogue so you can create your own instance of LAMP running in the NeCTAR cloud.

To create the application, click the Applications tab, then the Browse - Browse LocalĀ sub-tabs. If you don't immediately see LAMP, just type it into the search field on the right. Once you've found it, click Quick Deploy.

The LAMP application adds MySQL configuration to the LAMP Base application. If you do not need MySQL configuration install the LAMP Base application instead.

Click the LAMP server - Add Application button to configure the LAMP Base server (skip to the next step for LAMP Base).

LAMP Base configuration steps

Please use the following steps to configure the LAMP Base application for your LAMP instance.

Choose your desired Instance flavor, Instance image, Key Pair and the Availability Zone. Click Next to continue.

In this step, you can choose an optional host name and DNS zone name for your instance. If you choose a DNS zone at this stage, we will automatically create a DNS entry for you and provision a HTTPS security certificate for your instance.

If you want to add Backups, please see the Duply Backups article. Click Next to continue.

The last step allows you to provide a name for the LAMP base application. You can keep the default, LAMPBase, or supply your own. Click Create to continue.

This step completes the LAMP Base configuration.

LAMP database configuration steps

Provide the required database configuration settings for LAMP:

  • MySql root password is used for root user access to the MySql server. Avoiding weak passwords is important for the protection of your data.
  • Database name is the name of the database to create for LAMP data. The default database name is lamp_db.
  • Username and Password used for LAMP access to the LAMP database. The default username is lamp_usr.

Click Next to continue.

The last step allows you to provide a name for the LAMP application. You can keep the default, LAMP, or supply your own. Click Create to continue.

You will then be taken to the Application Environments screen. You'll want to click the Deploy This Environment button to kick off the deployment.

The application is now being deployed. This should take around 5 minutes.

LAMP is now deployed and ready. You should see the Last operation message appear with the address of your LAMP instance. You can click this link to get started.

You will the reach the Apache HTTP Server test page. LAMP is now available!

Accessing the MySQL database

The mysql command can be used on your instance to manage the MySQL database.

You can manage the MySQL database server with the MySQL root password you provided earlier.

$ mysql -u root -p mysql
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.
MariaDB [mysql]> exit

You can manage the MySQL LAMP database with the username and password you provided earlier.

$ mysql -u <lamp_usr> -p <lamp_db>
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.
MariaDB [lamp_db]> exit