The Nectar Application Catalog is a repository of cloud-ready applications, powered by the OpenStack Murano project. Cloud users of any skill level, can use the Application Catalog to deploy these applications quickly and easily with the click of a button.

If you would like to submit a package to the Nectar Application Catalog, you should familiarise yourself with OpenStack Murano Application Developer Guide and the OpenStack Wiki page for creating a package for Murano. It will also be helpful to browse some of the Murano example packages repository on GitHub.

There are some specific requirements for the Nectar environment that you should be aware of when building application packages. For example, Murano currently cannot utilise Neutron's advanced networking (e.g. private networks, floating IPs), so it is recommended that you remove any network selection widget and Floating IP checkbox from your UI.

A good example is the R-Studio server package, built specifically for the Nectar Research Cloud. The source code can be found in the NeCTAR-RC/murano-rstudio GitHub repository.

Submitting a Package

To submit your package for inclusion to the Nectar Application Catalog, please submit a ticket or email and include the following information:

  1. The source code for the package (e.g. a link to a GitHub repository).
  2. A link to the user documentation for the package (e.g. see our R-Studio Server guide)
  3. Contact details for the package developer/s.
  4. Checklist-  copy/paste the list and respond "yes" or give details for the following items:
    • No user SSH keys or passwords are saved within the package
    • Services are not run as "root"
    • Reasonable steps have been taken to secure services (e.g. randomise passwords)