Swift Command Line Client

The swift client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the OpenStack Object Storage API and its extensions.

It is same as nova client and cinder client, you need to authenticate before you can use it. Please refer the getting started to see how to get authenticated.

Please also refer getting started for how to install the swift client.

Shell CommandAction
swift listlist all containers
swift list <container>list all objects in a container
swift post <container>create a container
swift delete <container> [object/s]delete a container, or objects within a container
swift upload <container> <file/s_or_directory>upload data to the container
swift download <container> <object/s>download objects from a container

You can execute swift to see what commands are avaiable and run swift <command> -h find out more information about a command.

Client python API

You can also use swift python API to access and manage the object storage. Sample Python code:


from swiftclient import client
swift = client.Connection(authurl=url, user=username, key=password, tenant_name=project_name, auth_version='2')
container_name="first container"
container_name = "container"
object_name = "object"
swift.get_object(container_name, object_name)
swift.put_object(container_name, object)


Please refer to above instruction about how to obtain authurl, user, password and tenant_name.

Python CommandAction
swift.get_containerlist all containers
swift.get_container(container_name)list all objects in a container
swift.post_container(container_name)create a container
swift.delete_container(container_name)delete a container
swift.put_object(container_name, file_name)upload data to the container
swift.get_object(container_name, object_name)download objects from a container

Please refer to the swift python client document for more information.