Installing Python-Pip for all OS

  • On MacOS:
    sudo easy_install pip

    Then install a virtual environment to work in, create it and activate it. Now use pip as needed. 

  • sudo pip install virtualenv
  • virtualenv venv
  • source venv/bin/activate
  • On Ubuntu and Debian 
    sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev
  • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, or Fedora 
    sudo yum install python-devel python-pip
  • On openSUSE: 
    sudo zypper install python-devel python-pip
  • For Windows:  

    See Installing Python 3 on Windows for instructions on installing pip for Windows.

These are the basic commands to enter into your Terminal app or equivalent just to install Python-pip. Installation of Python-pip then allows you to install the source packages for the various openstack client APIs.

Different operating system versions may have variations to the installation procedure. We recommend you use the most up-to-date OS version available.

If you have any issues with installation, please submit a ticket and specify your Operating System and any error message.