VicNode and NeCTAR Cloud Storage - Use Cases, Patterns and Tools


VicNode provides Victorian researchers and their collaborators with the ability to easily store and share research data through an affordable, secure and sustainable service. It provides storage solutions to suit a variety of research data storage needs. This documentation focuses particularly on VicNode's cloud object storage offerings, however much of it is relevant to NeCTAR Object Storage. Here you will find demos of object storage client tools useful for completing common tasks, and caveats regarding API usage and compatibility.



VicNode and the Research Cloud

VicNode was established as part of RDSI (the Research Data Storage Initiative), a national network of research data nodes and the sister project of NeCTAR. RDSI's focus is on accessibility, dissemination, sharing and long-term curation of research datasets. VicNode's storage services are hosted locally in Victoria at the datacentres of the University of Melbourne and Monash University and are connected with high bandwidth to the VeRNet and AARNet research networks, VicNode storage is also closely coupled to the Monash and Melbourne zones of the NeCTAR Research Cloud.

VicNode offers a variety of storage products utilising different underlying technologies at each operating centre. Two types of VicNode storage in particular are directly linked to, and accessible through, the Research Cloud: NeCTAR Volume Storage and NeCTAR Object Storage. Implementation and access details of these are discussed in the next section.


VicNode Cloud Storage


VicNode's current Computational storage product is delivered solely as volume storage in the Monash and Melbourne zones of the NeCTAR Research Cloud. This gives researchers persistent block storage which can be used like a virtual portable hard disk and hot-plugged (that is, attached and detached) whilst a cloud server is active. Volumes can also be used as bootable drives, thus making the whole cloud server operating system and configuration persistent.

Access to the underlying storage is standardised through the NeCTAR Research Cloud and OpenStack, but each operating centre uses a different solution. At the University of Melbourne, VicNode Computational storage is delivered via high-availability NetApp servers, whereas at Monash University it is built on top of a cluster of commodity storage servers all running the Ceph distributed storage system. In both cases rudimentary storage availability protection is provided by RAID (in the NetApp case) or replication (in the Ceph case), but no automated/implicit backups are made - backup of volume storage is the responsibility of the end-user and there are a number of options for this within and outside of the Research Cloud. Note that because each operating centre uses different storage technologies their performance profiles may vary for different workloads.


VicNode's other cloud storage offering is what could be considered as the original and definitive cloud storage, that is, object storage. Object storage will be familiar to any regular Internet or mobile users, though they may not know it! The defining characteristic of object storage is that it is built for the Web and uses Web standards like HTTP and techniques like REST (Representational State Transfer), this contributes to making it massively scalable and ubiquitously accessible online. Object storage is also very good at storing large and plentiful data, that is, huge objects or many millions of objects. It can do this thanks to another of its defining characteristics, it does not allow an arbitrarily hierarchical namespace - users can create buckets/containers and inside them place only objects, containers cannot be nested. So, each container is a flat and unique namespace of objects. Both objects and the containers that hold them can also have user-defined metadata associated with them in key-value pairs, and there are many special metadata keys which enable and/or control some useful functionality of the storage, e.g., access-controls.

Because object storage is accessed as a web service it is not a natural primary storage type for end-user computing devices (like your laptop). Though it is commonly used by file sync-and-share applications (anyone heard of Dropbox?) as the central storage point with just a small cache kept on end-user devices.

Each VicNode operating centre uses a different object storage solution, but access to the underlying storage is standardised through the NeCTAR Research Cloud and both solutions support the same basic end-user REST API interfaces - the S3 and OpenStack Swift APIs. The Monash University operating centre uses Ceph Object Gateway service whilst the University of Melbourne uses OpenStack Swift (as does the NeCTAR Research Cloud). These are both clustered software-defined storage systems. The main difference between them (and they are quite different under the hood) is that, following [CAP therom], Swift relaxes Consistency where Ceph relaxes Availability. Neither of these choices is black & white and if that means nothing to you then don't worry, just know that VicNode's "Object-Vault" is the highly redundant OpenStack Swift service whilst VicNode's "Object-Market" uses faster disk and will have a disaster recovery solution utilising a tape backup (though this is not yet implemented).


Accessing VicNode Cloud Storage

To use VicNode's cloud volume and/or object storage you must first have a VicNode allocation - apply to VicNode directly, or if you are a University of Melbourne or Monash user you can contact your local eResearch Support.

Your VicNode storage quota will be associated with a NeCTAR Research Cloud project, so you will need to get an account on the Research Cloud. If you are already a Research Cloud user then you may have an existing project you are planning to use your VicNode storage in, otherwise you will want to apply for a project - if you are applying for a new project and already have a VicNode allocation you'd like to use then mention this in the allocation request.

Once you have your VicNode cloud storage quota associated with a NeCTAR Research Cloud user and project you are ready to go! For the tools and examples in the subsequent sections you will also require your Research Cloud API credentials.

A note about Regions and endpoints

In the context of VicNode and NeCTAR there are at least three separate Object Storage services. These are all integrated with the Research Cloud but some are only accessible to VicNode users:

  1. NeCTAR Swift - This is a nationally distributed Swift cluster with storage nodes at seven Research Cloud sites around Australia. Some sites also have local Swift Proxies (the user-facing API servers) which can be explicitly used by configuring your client tool/s to point to the correct storage URL or Region. The default storage policy for this cluster creates 3-copies of all objects. This cluster also provides storage for many other services on the Research Cloud, e.g., the Glance Image Catalog where VM images and snapshots are stored. All NeCTAR users are able to access and use NeCTAR Swift. There is no need to specify any special storage URL or Region for this cluster as it is the default NeCTAR object storage service.
  2. VicNode Swift Object Vault - See above for details. To use VicNode Swift you must tell you client tool/s to select either the "VicNode" Region or configure a storage URL of ""

  3. VicNode Ceph Object Market - See above for details. Due to technical limitations with NeCTAR Keystone, the VicNode Ceph Object store is not currently listed in the Keystone service catalog and therefore cannot be referred to via Region. Instead, configure your client tool/s to use a storage URL of "".

Example Swift python-swiftclient accessing VicNode Ceph Object:

swift --os-storage-url stat

Example Swift python-swiftclient accessing VicNode Vault Object:

swift --os-region-name VicNode stat
swift --os-storage-url stat

Example Swift python-openstackclient accessing VicNode Vault Object:

openstack --os-region-name VicNode object store account show

NB: currently python-openstackclient does not support specifying a different Swift API endpoint other than by region name.


Object Storage Use-cases and Client Tools

This section includes pointers and quickstart instructions for using various useful object storage client tools. These tools have been tested to work with VicNode cloud storage.


rclone is described as "rsync for cloud storage" (rysnc being a popular and widely distributed tool for file data-transfer and synchronisation). Of particular note is that rclone supports a wide variety of cloud storage types (both as source and destination, with local file-system too) and is capable of delta synchronisation, i.e., it is not necessary to transfer a full copy of the dataset if part of it has already been copied or only some data on the source has changed, which makes it suitable for working with large datasets.

Install rclone

From, download and install the command line tool for your system. Go to and choose:

On Windows:

On Macintosh:

Not yet tested (will be similar to below details for Linux but different installation).

On Linux:

First download

Setup and use rclone

From within a terminal session

ubuntu@linux:~$ cd ~/Downloads

unzip the downloaded archive

ubuntu@linux:~/Downloads$ unzip
  creating: rclone-v1.25-linux-amd64/
  inflating: rclone-v1.25-linux-amd64/README.txt
  inflating: rclone-v1.25-linux-amd64/rclone
  inflating: rclone-v1.25-linux-amd64/README.html
  inflating: rclone-v1.25-linux-amd64/rclone.1
ubuntu@linux:~/Downloads$ cd rclone-v1.25-linux-amd64

Copy the rclone program into the system path

ubuntu@linux:~/Downloads/rclone-v1.25-linux-amd64$ sudo cp rclone /usr/local/bin
[sudo] password for ubuntu:

Also copy the manual page so we can RTFM

ubuntu@linux:~/Downloads/rclone-v1.25-linux-amd64$ sudo cp rclone.1 /usr/local/man/man1

Test that rclone runs

(You can ignore the message that you haven't yet configured it)

ubuntu@linux:~/Downloads/rclone-v1.25-linux-amd64$ rclone --version
2015/11/26 20:57:41 Failed to load config file /home/ubuntu/.rclone.conf - using defaults: open /home/ubuntu/.rclone.conf: no such file or directory
rclone v1.25

Configure rclone to access your project's object storage

NB: here you will require the API credentials for your NeCTAR Research Cloud user and project, see Accessing VicNode Cloud Storage.

Here I will create a new configuration called "backup" accessing storage belonging to the "Monash_RSS-test" project.

  • Run rclone config
  • Press n to select the new remote option
  • Enter a name of your choosing, e.g., backup
  • Choose the number corresponding to swift as the storage type
  • User name is your NeCTAR OS API username
  • Enter your NeCTAR OS API password at the key> prompt
  • At the auth> prompt enter
  • At the tenant> prompt enter your OS API tenant/project name
  • At the region> prompt press enter
  • Review and either correct the entries or press y then q

The file $HOME/.rclone.conf should now look something like:

type = swift
user =
key = pvJDjLXPmDjxEmYyFiVG
auth =
tenant = Monash_RSS-test
region =

Test that rclone can access the object storage

First list the contents of the object location, if the object storage is new then it will be empty, but this will verify that your configuration is correct:

ubuntu@linux:~$ rclone lsd backup:

Transferred:            0 Bytes (   0.00 kByte/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            0
Elapsed time:        1.2s

Create an object storage container for your data

Here I create a container "phd2015" to hold my data:

ubuntu@linux:~$ rclone mkdir backup:phd2015

Transferred:            0 Bytes (   0.00 kByte/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            0
Elapsed time:        1.3s

Make backups of local data to the object storage container

Here I have three directories on my local computer; "PhD", "PhD-data" and "results" and I'll make a backup copy of these in my object storage, appearing as "phd2015/Phd", "phd2015/Phd-data" and "phd2015/results" respectively.

ajft@fafnir:~/Downloads$ rclone sync PhD backup:phd2015/PhD
2015/11/26 21:26:17 Swift container phd2015 path PhD/: Building file list
2015/11/26 21:26:19 Swift container phd2015 path PhD/: Waiting for checks to finish
2015/11/26 21:26:19 Swift container phd2015 path PhD/: Waiting for transfers to finish
2015/11/26 21:26:20 Waiting for deletions to finish

Transferred:         1852 Bytes (   0.43 kByte/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            2
Elapsed time:        4.2s

ubuntu@linux:~/Downloads$ rclone PhD-data backup:phd2015/PhD-data
ubuntu@linux:~/Downloads$ rclone results backup:phd2015/PhD-results

(Note that as in the third of these examples commands, the local source folder and remote destination object prefix can differ.)

These three "rclone sync" commands can be run daily (or more frequently) to ensure that the copy held in the object storage is up to date and matches the data on the local computer.

ubuntu@linux:~$ cat ~/sync-my-data
cd $HOME/Documents
rclone sync PhD backup:phd2015/PhD
rclone sync PhD-data backup:phd2015/PhD-data
rclone sync results backup:phd2015/PhD-results

Viewing the data from the NeCTAR dashboard

(NB: this only applies to the NeCTAR Swift object store as VicNode object storage is implemented as a distinct service with its own region.)

After logging in to a the NeCTAR Dashboard it is possible to view the files and containers. You must select the correct project first, then choose "Object Store" and "Containers", then browse into your containers, e.g., "phd2015" in the example above.


Sharing files over the Internet with Swift tempurls

Object storage is great at both storing large amounts of unstructured data and also disseminating it - once your data is in object storage it is only a small step to make it available over the Internet (using standard protocols that regular web-browsers understand). You can make the contents of a container public or give specific access to other users via container ACLs.

In this example we demonstrate how to use the Swift tempurl feature to provide temporary URL-authenticated access to Swift objects. This feature allows you to easily share data with anyone via URL, they needn't have a Swift user account. Additionally, it's not just GET access that can be allowed, but also other HTTP methods like PUT - so you can use this feature to allow other people or services to push data into your object storage. A typical example is a service such as a website that allows users to download large objects from a non-public object storage container by minting tempurls and presenting them directly to the user via their web-browser.

How it works

The tempurl functionality works using a Hash-based Message Authentication Code, this HMAC encodes:

  1. The HTTP method being allowed, e.g., GET, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, POST
  2. The expiry date (in Unix time)
  3. The path to the object (from the object store's root URL)
  4. A secret key shared between the user/process that generates the tempurl and the object storage service that will decode and accept/deny access based on the other parameters

This encoding can be done with a few lines of Python or similar high-level code, but luckily the Swift command line client already has a helper command to do this. In older versions of python-swiftclient this was a separate command called swift-temp-url, in newer versions this is a sub-command of the main client, i.e., swift tempurl ....

Set your Swift tempurl key

To use tempurl functionality it is first necessary to configure your object store account with a tempurl key - this is the shared secret mentioned in step 4 above that allows the server to verify whether a tempurl is genuine. This is done (as demonstrated below) using account metadata. Both the OpenStack Swift and Ceph Object Gateway Swift implementations of the Swift API allow users to set at least 2 tempurl keys, this allows users and applications to perform key rotation (but if you change the key used to generate a particular tempurl then that tempurl will become invalid).

On VicNode Object Market at Monash:

$ swift --os-storage-url post --meta "Temp-URL-Key:superfunhappytimes"

On VicNode Object Vault at UoM:

$ swift --os-region-name VicNode post --meta "Temp-URL-Key:codswallop"

NB: The OpenStack Swift API will display the Temp-URL-Key metadata back via the API when account metadata is queried. The Ceph Swift API does not, so it is only possible to set or add a new key if an existing one is forgotten or lost.

Upload the object (if doesn't already exist in the object store)

Here we upload the file experiment.tar.gz from the current directory to a container named share in our object storage account.

$ swift upload share experiment.tar.gz

Generate a tempurl to share with collaborators

We'll give them two days (172800 seconds) to grab the data.

$ swift --os-storage-url tempurl GET 172800 /share/experiment.tar.gz superfunhappytimes

The command outputs the sub-path and query components of the final working tempurl URL. To get the final product we need to prepend the service's Swift storage URL. For the above example we would tell our colleagues to grab the experiment data from:

With OpenStack Swift that URL also includes the account identifier, e.g.,:

NB: The process of generating the tempurl is entirely local because the Swift service just needs to know the tempurl key to decode the other parameters and validate them on-demand. However, this means there is no validation that your new tempurl works, so we suggest you it them before distributing, e.g., by pasting into your web-browser address bar.


Backing up files to object storage using Duplicity

Duplicity is a backup utility that can make secure and bandwidth efficient back-ups from your computer to various remote storage types including Swift and S3. Duplicity uses librsync and GnuPG to make differential and secure back-ups. In this example we will configure Duplicity to back-up using the Swift API.

First you'll need to create a container that Duplicity will use as the backup target location. In this example we assume a container named "ubuntu" already exists in the project's object store. You can optionally encrypt your back-ups locally before they are transferred to cloud storage, though we do not cover that in this example.

Configure Duplicity to use Swift API

On a 14.04 (Trusty) Ubuntu LTS system

apt-get install duplicity

Create a credentials file

The credentials file contains a subset of the variables from your Research Cloud API credentials file.

export SWIFT_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxx

Source the credentials, then run a backup

$ .
$ duplicity --no-encryption /home/ajft/src swift://ubuntu
Synchronizing remote metadata to local cache...
Deleting local /home/ajft/.cache/duplicity/97fd3f05cdb92feaf3607d5ff406f22c/duplicity-full-signatures.20160106T001707Z.sigtar.gz (not authoritative at backend).
Deleting local /home/ajft/.cache/duplicity/97fd3f05cdb92feaf3607d5ff406f22c/duplicity-full.20160106T001707Z.manifest (not authoritative at backend).
Last full backup date: none
No signatures found, switching to full backup.
--------------[ Backup Statistics ]--------------
StartTime 1452040911.64 (Wed Jan  6 11:41:51 2016)
EndTime 1452040911.68 (Wed Jan  6 11:41:51 2016)
ElapsedTime 0.04 (0.04 seconds)
SourceFiles 109
SourceFileSize 458449 (448 KB)
NewFiles 109
NewFileSize 458449 (448 KB)
DeletedFiles 0
ChangedFiles 0
ChangedFileSize 0 (0 bytes)
ChangedDeltaSize 0 (0 bytes)
DeltaEntries 109
RawDeltaSize 257745 (252 KB)
TotalDestinationSizeChange 175413 (171 KB)
Errors 0

Verify that Duplicity has created the initial back-up

You can now see the files that Duplicity has created by listing the contents of the target container, e.g., using the Dashboard to browse or the Swift command-line client (python-swiftclient).

$ swift list --lh ubuntu
9.6K 2016-01-06 00:41:52 duplicity-full-signatures.20160106T004151Z.sigtar.gz
 179 2016-01-06 00:41:53 duplicity-full.20160106T004151Z.manifest
171K 2016-01-06 00:41:52 duplicity-full.20160106T004151Z.vol1.difftar.gz
