Log in to the Nectar dashboard.

Navigate to "Allocations", then "My Requests" and click the "Amend/Extend allocation" button.

On the Request Form, you are asked to fill in or adjust some details about your research project. Please review this carefully, as some questions may have changed since your previous application. Please also address any issues in the "Review Reminders" section if shown.

Service Unit Budget 

If your project is expiring earlier than the expiry date, due to Service Budget usage, you may need to select a larger bundle or pick a custom set of resources, using our custom bundle.

Adding publications & Research Grants 

Please also list any publication outputs from your research and any research grants supported by this project allocation. This helps us justify continuing to provide this service.

After reviewing the allocation form, click the "Submit" button.

If you are using Custom resource bundle, which requires entering Service Units (SU), here are some resources on SU Usage and SU Budget estimation:

Understanding your Service Unit Usage

How to estimate a Service Unit Budget

What about my individual account I logged in with?

Your individual account will become inactive if you haven't logged into the Nectar Dashboard for 6 months. You can reactivate it at any time by simply logging in to the Dashboard. Note, this is only in relation to your individual account, if you have a Cloud project & resources, the expiry process for this is outlined in our project allocation expiry and renewal document.