[For Information] QRIScloud capacity hazard warning 11 Jan 2016 - 22 Feb 2016

Posted over 8 years ago by Wilfred Brimblecombe

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Wilfred Brimblecombe
Wilfred Brimblecombe

As part of service improvements, there will be hardware upgrades occurring over the next six weeks in the QRIScloud availability zone. These upgrades will provide additional capacity.  

To minimise impact on existing users, virtual machines will be live migrated.  Due to an artifact of the recent Neutron migration, instances that have been active since 6:00 PM AEST on 6 Oct 2015 (i.e. have not been shut down or hard rebooted) will not successfully live migrate.

QRIScloud staff will contact users regarding a shutdown/hard reboot should an instance need to be migrated.  Should users wish to preempt this, please ensure that you either shut down completely (i.e. your instance is listed on the dashboard as shutdown) or hard reboot your instance.  A soft reboot or a reboot from the command line in your virtual machine will be insufficient for the purposes of re-enabling live migrations.

To assist in performing the upgrades in a timely manner, publicly available scheduling will be restricted to a limited set of Hosts.  Users that attempt to schedule instances to the QRIScloud availability zone are highly likely to receive a "No available host" error message for all flavors during the upgrade period.  Users that terminate instances during the upgrade period are highly unlikely to be able to relaunch in the QRIScloud availability zone.

If you have any concerns or questions please contact us at support@qriscloud.org.au.

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