NCI Scheduled Quarterly Maintenance - 2017 Q2Type: Scheduled Quarterly Maintenance, 2017 Q2

Posted over 7 years ago by Sara Drieman

Sara Drieman

Start: Tuesday 4 April 2017, 08:00 AEST (8am)
End: Tuesday 4 April 2017, 18:00 AEST (6pm)

NCI systems are currently offline for scheduled quarterly maintenance. NCI will notify users when systems return to operational status.

HAZARD NOTICE: NCI may be required to reduce power consumption (load shed) at various times during the period 5-13 April to accommodate electrical power infrastructure upgrades on the ANU campus. NCI will give immediate notice to all users and jobs on Raijin will be suspended if load shedding is required.

Raijin login and compute nodes will be unavailable to users from 8am-6pm Tuesday 4 April for quarterly system maintenance. Raijin job queues will be set to drain 48 hours prior to the start of the maintenance period. Jobs which are scheduled to run into or start during the maintenance period will be held, and released as soon as Raijin returns to operational status.
/g/data{123}, massdata, partner cloud, VDI, NCI NeCTAR node

The /g/data file system servers, partner cloud (Tenjin) servers, VDI systems and NCI NeCTAR node servers will undergo general maintenance, including software and firmware updates, during the scheduled downtime period on 4 April. All virtual machine instances running on NCI infrastructure will be suspended during the maintenance period and will be progressively returned to service as soon as possible following completion of maintenance work.

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