This Nectar Virtual Desktop Service enables researchers to easily access a Virtual Machine, with Desktop interface ready to go. There is no extra configuration required from the user, aside from choosing what kind of operating system they wish to use, and computing resources desired.


Operating system: types available are Ubuntu 20.04 (focal), Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy), CentOS 7, Rocky Linux, Fedora Scientific, Geodesktop, and Neurodesktop (provided by AEDAPT) .

Note: additional desktop options may be added in the future.

Storage: A single 50GB volume will be included for the Operating System and Working Storage.

Resources: The default resourcing for a desktop is 8 virtual CPU Cores & 16GB RAM. 

Users will have the option to increase resources if the default is not sufficient for their computing needs. This can be done via the boost function, increasing resources to 16 virtual CPU Cores and 32GB RAM.

Time: Once a user has started a Virtual Desktop, this desktop will be available for 14 days (with the ability to extend). After 14 days, the desktop will initiate an expiry process, with the instance shelved for 3 months, and then deleted. You will receive email reminders at each stage of the expiry process.

How to access it & use it: 
To access the Virtual Desktop, anyone with a AAF account can log in to the Virtual Desktop Service. For a tutorial on how to use the Virtual Desktop, view it here.

If you do not have an AAF account or your institution is not affiliated with the AAF (Australian Access Federation), click here.


Instance: Another word for Cloud Computer, also used interchangeably with Virtual Machine. 

Shelving*: This essentially `switches off`& shelves your Virtual Desktop, freeing up the resources it would otherwise use, and releases those back into the system for others to use. If it is not taken back off the shelf within the month, it will be deleted. 

Working Storage: what you use to store your files, while using the Virtual Desktop.